Vortex Healing ® is a divine healing art and path for awakening. It is designed to transform the roots of emotional consciousness, heal the physical body, and awaken freedom within the human heart.

This healing art is said to have originated approximately 5600 years ago through an avatar, a fully awakened being, known as Mehindra.  After his death he and other light beings came together to form a healing realm that would form an energetic bridge between human and divine consciousness.  The first human to consciously connect with and manifest this healing realm called the energy Merlin because it best represented the vibration of the energy field.  He was known as Merlin because he became a full embodiment of that energy.  Out of this field of consciousness or divine realm came the gift of Vortex Healing, which he began teaching and transmitting to others.  A lineage of teachers began and were subsequently also known as Merlin, including the well-known sage and guide to King Arthur.  In the middle ages any one who was awakened to the divine was seen to be a magical being because of their incredible ability to heal and understand deep mysteries.  And so, the name Merlin has become synonymous with magic.

Although the art of Vortex Healing seemed to be lost sometime around 1247 A.D., in 1994 the modern founder of Vortex Healing, Ric Weinman, had a visionary experience that led to the reactivation of past-life memories of his work with Vortex Healing and his connection to the energy field of Merlin.  


Vortex Healing is channeled directly from the divine and is able to go deep to the source of suffering and ego identification to release illusion and ancient energy patterns that manifest as the various difficulties in our lives.  The healing of unconscious myths, wounds and fixations opens the heart and awakens deeper access to the realms of our divine nature.  Unnecessary baggage is released and greater freedom is experienced not only as a possibility but as a reality.


Richard Perrin is a certified Vortex Healing practitioner.  He offers Vortex Healing sessions and also uses Vortex Healing in tandem with Resonance Repatterning.